Week 2 to 4: Snow Wonderland and Sophie's First Snow!

 Well hmmm, yes it has been a couple of weeks.  But after the chaos that has ensued the past couple of weeks I decided to lay low, take my pictures and edit them, and just let the dust settle.  From conspiracy theories and fake news, truth was hard to come by so I decided to take a break from Facebook except the rare excursions (like to post on my favorite group 52 week challenge) and most social media in general.  I kept informed, don't get me wrong, I just didn't get my news from Facebook.

So on January 10th we got snow.  And when I say snow, I mean we got snow that I am use to seeing in Iowa!  They predicted 3 to 6 inches and they were pretty spot on.  Though Monday I was clearing limbs from our driveway and parking lot lol!  But boy did I get some pictures!  I have been wanting to take pictures of snow flakes.  Who knew!  I spent about 2 hours taking pictures, a lot of that were shots like this:

This was my favorite shot.  That is an actual snow flake falling down.  You have to zoom in to see the snow flake landscape, but this was such fun!

So they are not the sharpest shots but for the first time and using just a 1:1 ratio (Your suppose to use 2:1 or greater) I am pretty happy with my first foray.  I am hooked.  The only problem, getting cold lol!

So Sophie has never seen snow, let alone played in it.  Well, that has all changed.  She absolutely loved it:

And Nathan came out and made some memories with her:

And the snow around was amazing:

And a fun one.  Nathan decided to make a snow man.  But not just any snow man, a Cyclops Snowman!

So for one of the challenges in this time away was this shot of something I have in my studio, which is a reminder of what Jesus has done for me:


And this week's challenge was Framed and this was the first thing that came to mind, one of my favorite pieces:

So yesterday I was finally, and I mean finally able to get back into the studio and do a pour!  But not just any pour.  I did a pour for my cousin that I fell in love with.  I wanted to do one for me, start a series.  I wanted to make a pour with some hidden attributes that could only be seen if you put a black light to it.  (and I actually have different colors in mind for others).  So this one was reds, oranges, and blacks.  

Before picture (it is a bit darker now)

With black light:

Now if you flip it, I see a wolf's head (dragon head, rat head, whatever your imagination tells you!)

My next one will be blues.  And I have found that this is the style I love to do.  I have tried some others but this type, seeing all the cells, just makes me happy.  One thing I did different, I didn't keep trying to tweak it!  I just poured it, swiped it, and let it be.  This is one of my all time favorites (Chelsea has my favorite!  It is in good hands!)

 Hope everyone is doing well, I am ready to do some more pours and create some more.  I have some photography ideas as well!  Thank you for your prayers, lots of love from us!




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