Week 1 and 2: Happy New Year, Anxiety, Photography, and Acrylic Pours!

So Happy New Year everyone!  Yes, as usual, I usually take a week off at the end of the year from the blog, call it a blog vacation.  I tend to get my bearings and gear up for, you guessed it, another 52 week challenge.  So another 52 weeks of pictures, blogs, and a walk in the life of Ginger and Paul.

So before I delve into the blog this week I wanted to write a little something about the purpose of this blog.  Several years ago I started this blog so I could stay connected with family and close friends.  It was actually someone special to Ginger and I that got me started blogging.  A bonus aspect of the blog is that people could come in and read a blog or two if they wanted, it is out there on the internet airwaves, but the primary purpose has not wavered.  We have family and friends from as far away as Greece and England and as close as Tyler Texas that read the blog.

My blog has never gone viral (I have had posts that have, but never as a whole) but then again my intent has never been for it too.  As I have delved into our lives sometimes I mention situations that we deal with.  Whether work, ministry, or such I have always tried to be transparent while at the same time offering a certain amount of anonymity.  In other words I do my best not to name names.  Those closest to me may be able to put two and two together, but the public as a whole would never know.  Sometimes there is the thought of what if the person reads it?  Great!  I write nothing here that I would not tell to that person in person.   And sometimes this blog has been the catalyst to some great conversation and discussion.  I don't pretend to have all the answers and I have been wrong, plenty of times.  When I have been, I write about it and rectify it.  

Lastly, Ginger reads every blog I write.  And she will give me her honest opinion.  There have been times I have toned a blog down, rewritten it and other times I have left it.  Ginger deals with anxiety and bipolar and I deal with anxiety and depression.  And though we have these afflictions, they do not define us.  I am an artist.  Ginger is a puzzler.  We both love God with all our heart.   And this blog chronicles how we navigate life, marriage, work, ministry and hobbies together for our families and close friends.

So with that in mind, shall we delve into this weeks photograph?  Usually I show the picture first, but lets start with the setup:

Yep, our dining room was the studio this weekend.  So if you look closely you should be able to find the camera and the flash, but I used two flashes.  Kind of a Find Paulio moment, can you find the second flash?

This weeks photograph is called anxiety:


This was a collaboration between Ginger and I.  I originally had the face to the right in focus.  But it did not accurately portray anxiety.  Anxiety distorts the truth usually and it was Ginger's idea to distort the face.  And it really captured the essence of what I was trying to portray.  Ginger and I really do make a wonderful team with these.  (Plus she said the original picture was scary and told me my Mom would agree, so Mom, Ginger has got you covered lol!).  I have been learning to quiet the voice.  Read on.

I have been dealing with anxiety and depression this week.  Mostly with work.  In my last job toward the end of my time there it seemed we lost the team concept.   So I am starting to see some of these trends now where I work now and it has made me sad this week.  I just see a turning from Christian values.

 I was going to write extensively in this blog about what was going on at work.  What I have been going through, what others are doing that is detrimental, etc.  So why am I not doing this?

First I had a long talk with Ginger.  Thursday night I met with a good friend for our group.  And we talked.  He listened, mostly, and let me get my feelings out.  And gave me some advise that I am heeding.  God was there and I listened to God.  And then Ginger and I went out with some close friends and I got to talk it out some more.  This morning I got up and just began reading Proverbs.  It is, probably, my favorite book in the Bible.  I have always gone to it when I need guidance.  Then our sermon this Sunday was on anxiety (to which I had already started the picture for yesterday!).  I realize that I cannot change anyone.  But I can change me and  how I look at things and react to things.  And I can pray for God to guide me in what steps I need to take, where ever that may lead.  This weekend I was able to rest so much and just let God talk to me.  When I have done this, getting back grounded, God has always been faithful to guide me a step at a time.  Changes are coming, I just don't know what they are, but God does.   Right now, it's Proverbs.  And loving Ginger.  And getting better with Photoshop.  And of course, acrylic pours!  

So I decided to play with fluorescent acrylics and a new concept.  So for my first attempt I was pretty happy with the results!

I know may not look like much but just wait....

These were fun to do.  I realize I am going to have to set a time for photography and time for acrylic pours.  Getting back to making the photography composite was so much fun and once again I lost track yesterday (I was cooking chili while I was taking pictures lol!)

I am still learning new techniques in pours but I am fixing to start making bigger one's again.  I have been practicing with pouring mediums, pillows, cell activators, such technical aspects but that is the fun part!  Plus you never know what you are going to get!

 I am in a much better place now.  Grounded.  I leave you with this one of my favorite songs (listening to it now).  A bit on the rock side, okay a lot on the rock side,  but one of my favorite Christian bands of all times!  All you have to do is click the link. 

Skillet Feel Invincible

Fears are born to die



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