Week 18: Broken Glass

It has been a good week, at least on the photographic front.  I am continuing to learn my new camera.   Even when I am at work I am thinking photography!  It just happens to be my outlet of expression. 

This weekend I was able to go out to Lindale and work on my favorite land!  No damage from the tornado where I was at, but when I drove in I saw plenty of destruction.  It was a reunion of sorts in Lindale, I was able to see Rogan (a very unique character who is a dear friend) and I got to see Moriah!  We go way back and it is amazing to see how she has grown up!  And then Gretchen, Rebecca's horse seems to be warming up to me (I am the one who makes all the loud noises!).  I swear she was poising for me, but just for a little bit! 

Of course I was working in the barn, at least for a little bit.  If you are scared of insects, then a barn is NOT the place for you!   You know me, I love taking pictures of spiders, wasps, and critters with more than two legs!  This little creature was skittish:

Every time I hit my head on the ceiling beams it would go under the wood.  I've got a hard head....  And then there is the chest in the attic that I cannot resist taking a picture of every time I can:

Just love the cob webs and the oldness it radiates!  I spent about 5 minutes taking pictures, could have spent about 5 hours out there taking pictures!

So these next set of pictures have a little story.  Ginger was in the kitchen unloading the dishwasher, picked up a glass and a part of it broke off.  Had a heck of a time finding the last piece that broke off.  Then she put the glass in the trash.  And then, and any artist knows this feeling, I thought, I have a photography idea.  Put the glass on my idea shelf, and let the idea develop.

So we start with the basic broken glass...

Then I had the idea to put some liquid in it.  Blood would have been just creepy, so cranberry juice was just the ticket!

So then I began to play with the white balance a little bit and I wanted more of a 3d look.

And then my favorite picture of the shoot.  I put my light box under the glass and turned it red.  So it gave me a bit of a red glow. 

It was a small 30 minute shoot, but I had a fabulous time.  Still learning about lighting, reflections, and such, and I couldn't be happier learning! 

Well, it is time to go snuggle with my beautiful wife!  I am truly a blessed man having such a wonderful woman who loves me with such passion and devotion.  Happy Photography!



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