Week 12 Spring is in the Air




Spring is in the air!  So I went out to my car to go running around and I found the male cardinal calling out.  So I tried to hurry to go get my camera and come back and get a picture of him.  I had just about gotten set up and he flew down.  I was bummed, but I did not give up because I heard him.  And then I found the female and the male was courting her.  This was really cool to watch let alone photograph.  My camera was acting up but I was able to get a few quick shots off.

But he was not done.  They flew off and and I put my camera in my car and then I heard him again.  And this time I got to see him raise up his head feathers trying to impress his would be mate!  The bright sun made him look almost orange!

I was stoked.  I did get a shot of him on the ground:

Of course there was other wildlife around.  Take a look at this picture:


Yes there is a huge limb hanging by a thread there but someone was watching me....


It sure was fun to be able to get outside and just take some pictures.  And I decided to play around inside as well with a quick shot.  I was looking for a film grain black and white look and I think I captured it:

I did this for my 52 week challenge shot.  The shot is just slightly less than sharp.  That is by design.  Entitled depression, it is meant to depict how depression can feel.  You just feel slightly out of focus and hazy.  Some in the world, especially the religious world, do not want you to talk about mental difficulties (hence the sssshhhh).  But as long as I can press the shutter key on my camera and type on a keyboard I am going to continue to document my journey and others.  Talking helps.  Having just went through a bout myself I know this hazy feeling.  I have a fantastic support group that I can share my feelings with.  I am blessed I can talk with Ginger about anything (and vice versa) and her not freak out.  Sometimes I just want someone to listen.  I know the answers, I know what to do, I just need to get the things out of my head and stop the squirrel from running on the wheel.  We are only as sick as our secrets.  And the above picture, well, it was just fun to do as I put it in Photoshop and played with it. 

 Changes are happening, good changes.  Work has been crazy so a lot of what I have had to do is just take things a day at a time.  And even though my mood has it's cycles as does my creativity, I have still been able to create.  I had a rare Saturday off, so I have spent the day resting, and buying some chili peanuts from Sprout and munching away!  I hope everyone is doing well, I certainly am, rest has done me a world of good!  Love ya'11!



P.S.  I have enough for my camera!  Now if I can get myself to pull the trigger and buy it lol!


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