Week 11: New Lens and Doctor update

Welcome back everyone and a happy Sunday to everyone.  Since we last left there has been a run on toilet paper by the masses and stock in toilet paper has gone sky high.  Can't eat toilet paper.  Of course I got the inside scoop from Chelsea on where to go to restock my stash.  Seriously folks.

Anyway, in Ginger and I's world, things went on as usual.  Thank you all who prayed for Ginger and her doctor appointment.  It went fantastic.  Only one tweak of her medication but it has made a big difference, or at least I can tell.  However with the time change it is hard for her to see the difference sometimes but things will settle down here quickly.  What is the big deal?  It messes with her routine mainly.  She is use to getting up and taking Sophie on a walk.  Well it is dark so she has to wait, and that causes issues with someone with anxiety and bipolar.  And it gets darker later, again, a change in routine.  Even her doctor agrees, I won't put it as colorfully as he did, but they need to stop messing with the time!

So Christmas money saved, birthday money saved, working on Saturday's has culminated in my photography fund getting bigger.  I have been saving specifically for one lens.  They call it the holy grail of lens, the f2.8 70-200mm.  You will recall me mentioning it last week.  Well, after research, prayer, and one moment of of my goodness I am about to spend $2000, I got the lens of my dreams, the one I have wanted since starting photography:

They say between a new lens or camera, the lens is more important.  This is what they call fast glass (The f2.8 designation means it can shoot in low light extremely well and capture action fast).  So naturally I could not wait to take a picture:

This lens is fast, quiet and extremely sharp.  They said it was sharp, I understand now, completely.  After researching I felt this was the lens I wanted, quality matters and I will have it for decades or if it fails.  And it was fun money.    I cannot WAIT to use this for portraits and the azaleas are starting to bloom so I am going to have a go at them and the magnolias.  To say that I am happy with it is an understatement.  And when I travel now, there are only two lens I need to take.   I will be upgrading my camera next probably, more money to save, but this lens is just fun. 

 I pulled a couple of pictures from Destin to play with in Photoshop:

The first one is a technique where you use a slower speed to blur the action without an ND filter.  It was fun and this is the one that looked the coolest.

This one is of the waves we were looking at toward the end of the trip.

I am finally getting everything caught up (taxes and other projects) so I have a little bit more free time.  I am trying to balance my time between God, family, photography, acrylic pours and studying.  And I am finding that balance with the Lord's help.

Well, I do not know what the next week will bring.  Hope everyone is safe and healthy.  The pollen has dropped so everything is a yellowish green right now.  Luckily I take allergy medication each day!  Lots of love to everyone, till we talk again!



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