Butterflies, Insects and Kidney Stones

 Holy cow it has been a long time!  By my records my last post was on May 31st.  Well, lots has happened so I might as well get everyone caught up!

Okay here is the abbreviated version for everyone:

I got sick with the RSV virus.  I thought it was a sinus infection until, the next week, Ginger got sick with the exact same symptoms and I was able to trace where I got it.  Ginger's sister and family came down to visit and we were only able to see them on the day that they left.    We were going to go out with them the day before on a Friday but I got a 3mm kidney stone (considered small)  and had to go to the ER.  I have now recovered.

That is the short version for those of you on the go lol.  

Okay thoughts, notes, and resolutions.

The kidney stone was a combination of two things, dehydration and sugary drinks.  I had been exhibiting symptoms that week already.  Monday I had worked in the 109 degree heat index heat outside working on drywalling a water heater closet.  That night in bed I felt funny and things just were not working as well as they should and I was having some discomfort.  All week I worked in the heat.  And then Friday morning early I started getting the bad symptoms.  I thought it was just, well, dehydration.  I was in denial.   I went to work, went 20 minutes away to the job and promptly called my boss and said, I have to go to doctor.  I got to shop, by the grace of God.  Called Ginger and said meet me at urgent care and another adventure began.

Okay, urgent care does not prescribe pain meds or at least Trinity Mother Frances does not.  I take that back, they have one but I am allergic.  My pain was a 20 on the 1 to 10 scale and I was in the fetal position.  I told Ginger to have them call and ambulance.  Paramedics got me and nope, no pain meds on ambulance.  Got to ER, nurse comes in and says I can get pain meds when doctor sees me, who was very prompt.  Took one look and within another 5 to 10 long minutes I was being shot up with Morphine 4mg.  That, by the way is not too big a dose.  Pain level went to 8.  Gave me another 4mg and it was zero.  They used the minimum amount of pain meds to get rid of the pain.  Did a cat scan and found the small (their word) kidney stone about to drop into my bladder.  

They prescribed me Hydrocodone (20 pills) and Ibuprophen 800 mg and sent me home.  I took the Hydrocodone that night and next morning and then stopped taking it because pain was able to be managed with Ibuprophen.

So for those that know me yes I am a recovering alcoholic and by proxy addict.  My chart has that info in it for those wondering.  The reason for the narcotics (morphine and hydrocodone) was my level of pain.  Torodol, which they usually give for kidney stones wouldn't have touched this stone.  So they were responsible with giving me as little as possible in the hospital and I was responsible to take as little as I needed to get back to healthy.  My Mom's concern about it when we called her, or I should say Ginger did, was a good reminder to be careful.  19 years of recovery does not negate the fact that at one time I was a hardcore addict. 

The reason urgent care does not prescribe pain meds:  People use to go in, complain about pain, and get a script for narcotics.  So that had to be put to a stop at least for urgent cares here.  We have learned our lesson, go to the ER in that level of pain.  Honestly, I should have parked my car at the shop and called an ambulance to come get me, better yet just go before going to work.  If it ever happens again, that is what I would do.  But I have made some changes which leads me too....

 So I have cut out sugary drinks to about once a week.  On the weekend, say a Saturday, treat myself.  In between that time I drink water.  Lots of water.  In fact, about 6 to 8 bottles a day.   At home I drink water with a lemon wedge.  I use to drink Cranberry Juice, Limeaid, and every night when I got home a Mountain Dew or two.  In the morning I would have a Red Bull.  Now, 95% of what I drink is water.  I have an Ensure every morning and a banana during the day.  Because even though dehydration had caused this I am still having to work outside, which has prompted a very big necessity to evaluate my career.  

I have cut out sweets to the above mentioned once a week.  I use to eat chocolate every night.  I go to the bulk foods and get mini peanut butter cups and chocolate chips mix them and eat them at night.  Now, I eat a banana or crackers.  And I just got some granola mix.  My sweet of choice now, dark chocolate covered cranberries.  I may eat some ice cream now and then, but have cut way back.  In fact popcorn might be a good idea too!

Lastly, and this has been a process that has culminated to this, I am changing some of my eating behaviors.  I am trying to get more in line with Ginger's healthy diet.  Still gonna have my bacon and potatoes on occasion.  If we go out to eat I have taken to eating steak and potatoes.  But those are the times I will splurge.  At home, I am looking to lower my blood pressure and cholestrol naturally.  You could say after that level of pain, the worst I have ever felt, it was a great motivator.  Right before they came in with the pain meds (I didn't know how long it would be) I was crying.  Not sure in my adult life if I have done that from physical pain not associated with withdraw.  

So in those early days of recovering from the stone I had no appetite.  In fact I had a fear of eating.  I would choke things down to get stuff in me.  (Kidney's share nerves with the digestive system so pain in one area transfers to the other).  That has gotten much better, in part, I believe from time and the changes I have made.  

So going to almost exclusively drinking water has had some benefits.  I have lost weight.  Fat weight.  I have lost about 5 to 10 pounds.  I am eating healthy, but my sugar intake went WAY down.  And my food choices have gotten better.  (Read very little fast food and processed food).  No, not swearing it off.  I had a Whataburger for lunch yesterday which was delicious.  But I am making better choices.  And it is a process.  I plan to add some exercise in at some point beyond work but I am taking things in stages.  I will say this, I am reading package labeling now lol!

I guess this was a HUGE wake up call to me.  I have been so focused on my mental stability that I neglected something that could actually help it, my physical stability.  I mean if I don't take care of myself who will?  Ginger is on board, helping me, giving me gentle reminders.  She is terrified if I have a sugary drink and I understand, watching a loved one writhe around on the floor in pain and there is nothing you can do is a very helpless feeling.  She never wants to experience that again.  


So in other news not related to stones.  We are not moving, at least in the immediate future.  Wood prices have gone up again and there is a paint shortage which has brought the price of new home construction through the roof.  And we have heard a very clear message of no from God.  We have not broadcast this out to everyone yet, just a few people in our circle and everyone seems to agree.  Plus, truth be told, our downstairs neighbor was the reason.  But we have since decided that we have done what we could.  And we spoke to one of our landlord's about it and the lengths we have gone.  So though we are not going to throw huge parties up here, we are going to begin to take back our lives and live our life.  We will be courteous, we will be peacemakers, we will not be door mats.  The latest is that she sleeps in the living room because when we get up from bed we are too loud and wanted us to not go in the living room till 6:30 am on weekdays and noon on weekends.  Our landlord, and I quote, said "Tough Shit".  Indeed.  She knew we had thought about moving, when we told her we would not be, well, she was not exactly happy for our news!  So looks like we will be living here and we are happy about that, this is our little home.  I really have the perfect little studio.    And with Nathan, Kayla and Josie here and new neighbors across the way who are so nice and we have already become friends with, well, our little four plex has at least 3 couples who are happy with each other!  And since Ginger does not do Body Groove when the down stairs neighbor is home (nobody else cares) she has started running and I believe is up to 20 minutes at a time!  Good job Baby!!!!!

 Ginger's Dad has been sick with cancer, in fact he is at MD Anderson in Houston admitted to the hospital right now.  They are trying to figure out the tumors so please keep him in prayer.  I just heard he may have a blood clot, so we are praying that isn't so.  So keep him and the family in prayer.  

So let us end on a photography note!  So this next picture, taken with my new camera, is one of my all time favorites of butterflies I have taken.  For me it is breathtaking, but I will let you decide:


And let's end it with Sophie:

What!?!  Dad is blogging!  

Enjoy the blog everyone!  I hope not to be that long in posting next time!  Love everyone and thank you for the prayers!




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