Week 5: Self Portraits and Sophie

So this weeks photographs are some self portrait shots.  Combining the minimalist approach and a two flash shot (2 o clock and 4 o clock placement) I decided to go with some more moody shots.  The first shot was actually one of my practice shots that I actually really liked when I saw it on the camera.

Minimalist with Dragan Effect

But the one that I really wanted to take was of Sophie and I.  Got this thought as Sophie went with Daddy for half a day to work.  She was very good and stayed in her safe place (her crate) even though I left the door open the whole time.  Today she was being docile and usually is when you hold her, so she was actually very compliant as I snapped a few shots.  Again, I was looking for light from one side for a more moody type of shot.  There are three different types of shots that I did a little photoshopping with.

Bypass Filter

Black and White

I have been having some ideas coming to my mind on a series dealing with addiction.  I have the pictures in my head just have to do a little planning on how I am going to accomplish the series.  And yes, it has been influenced by not only music but also the past week.  Seems I have been able to not only share some of my experiences dealing with addiction but also be a listening post for those suffering from loved one's who struggle with addiction.  It confounds people how a person in the throes of addiction can give up so much hope and promise for the drug/alcohol of their choice.  For those of us who have lived it, it makes sense.  For those who have never struggled with addiction, let me give you this to think about.  Think of something you hold the most precious to you.  Could be a person, a thing, something you do.  Now give it up, forever.  Stay away from that person forever, that thing, that one thing that brings you the most joy or takes away your pain.  That is what your asking an addict to do.  Is it possible?  Yes.  I know many walking miracles, I included.  It takes boundaries from loved one's for the addict, but it also takes love.  And no matter how hard you try to make them quit, they have to want to quit before they will.  That is not to say you don't protect yourself.  Again, healthy boundaries are needed.  But if they want help, encourage them, be there for them.  Because fighting addiction alone is quite hard.  It can be done but odds are in favor if there is a support group.  It can be AA, Celebrate Recovery, Church, and a host of other programs.  They all have one thing in common, support.  It works if you work it.

But with the things I have shared this week, it has made me thankful.  My favorite drink of choice right now is the Original New York Seltzer Vanilla Creme.  Several years ago I never would have believed a non alcoholic drink would.  I am thankful for my family and in less than a month I will be in Iowa with my parents.  Home cooked meals, lots of reading, and talking, and even some walking.  There might be a photograph or two....  I am thankful for a wife that understands me perfectly.  She loves me like no other and I love doing life with her.  I am thankful for my friends and work.  And I am thankful for God who provided all of it.  Listen, addiction is not easy to overcome, but it can be.  It takes one day at a time.  And it takes an active effort, each day, to make the right decision.  For me, lasting sobereity came when I completely surrendered.  Just some words to ponder.



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