Week 49: Christmas Ornaments and Fondant

So this week's photo's are a mix.  We have a Christmas photo:

This was Ginger's favorite of the several that I took (was mine too). 

Our next photo is of another artist's work.  Yep, our own Laura Duncan, the fondant expert, working on roses.  I took this photo a couple of weeks ago:

I love this photo, not only because I was able to take it in low light with my camera and get a fantastic shot, but the artistry of the roses is just exquisite.  Give me a piping tube and I'll give you a pile of frosting, that's about it! 

And then, of course, now that the girl's have gotten their two pictures, had to give one to the boys too:
 Mom I bet you thought it was going to be bugs!  Well, close.  Ever since I did the inverted leaf in Week 46, I was looking for other things I could invert.  While working in Troup, I found this wasp nest (with no wasps thank you) and thought it had potential.  So in my studio this afternoon decided to play around and see what I could come up with in Photoshop.

Putting the photo in Color Efex Pro 4, using the Dark Contrast Feature I was able to create the below picture:

I like this one because it looks like something is alive on the inside glowing, ready to come out!  Okay maybe I am stretching that a bit, I do have an active imagination after all!  I had fun with this one! 

On another note, Ginger's Mom is in the hospital.  She is stable and doing well as they try to determine exactly what is wrong with her.  Latest word was pulmonary embolism which is combated with blood thinners.  She will be getting a pace maker tomorrow as well.  Please keep her in your prayers.  She is in the new Heart Hospital for Trinity Mother Frances and it is a beautiful building!  Her room is state of the art, so I know she is in good hands, but it will be good to have her back home! 

Side note.  Next weekend Ginger and I will be in Colorado.  Will try to send out a blog on Sunday, it will be Week 50!  We will be in a beautiful cabin in Georgetown!  If I am not able to, will catch everyone on the following week!



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