Week 4: Water Drop Reflection on Glass

So this week decided to do a setup where I took pictures of water drops on glass, with a backdrop underneath, that reflects into the water drop.  I started on Saturday night, and through three sessions (Saturday night, early Sunday morning before church, and Sunday afternoon) to get the shots I did.  I took over 100 shots, and used over 15 backgrounds to get to the three final pictures.  I learned that clean glass is essential, and I learned more about Photoshop.  FYI, you have to flip the backgrounds upside down to get them upright in the drop.  But enough talking, here are some pictures:

 This was a background I almost didn't use, and used it at the last.  It ended up being one of my favorites.

 Another favorite.  I actually blurred the backgound on one of the final shots and Ginger liked this one better!

I loved this one because of the vibrant colors.  I played around with this one, including moving the backgound to white but it just wasn't as vibrant as with the background in. 

When I first began this Saturday, this is what I originally had:

The technique is pretty simple, in theory.  Spray a piece of glass with Rain-x so that the water will bead up.  But I wasn't getting exactly what I wanted.  And the glass was hard to keep clean.  As I slept last night I remembered doing this technique long ago and using a Q-tip to put the water on the glass.  It worked to perfection.  It was then a matter of getting lighting right (thank goodness for me light box!), getting the aperture right, and using manual focus.  Couldn't get the camera to auto focus so once again, out of the box, and use manual focus. 

This was a fun project!  See ya'll next week for the next weeks project!



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